OveRaideD - T-shirt fashion label of the future!
OveRaideD is an indie fashion label that is smoothly and quickly rocking the house in the fashion arena. If you are one to jump (literally, with their Jumpman design) on the wagon "before" the band does, then this label is one that you need to FREAK with. Price - $32.00
With it's cutting edge, 80's and 90's thought provoking designs, there is bound to be a shirt that you desire. OveRaideD was created by Arash Derakhshan and has a tight-lipped crew when it comes to operation.
I had the benefit of meeting Arash in September of 2007 while assisting with the production of a fashion event, entitled Haute Lanta Fashion Week. And the creativity from him and his right-hand was definitely visible in their presence.
For more info visit their site and their myspace.
Shining with grill - Price $25.00
Joker with grill - Price $25.00
Andre Agassi "Farewell" - Price $25.00

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