has a
Young, Fabulous & Broke, black, leather vest that is to
DIE FOR!!!! This vest is on pre-order and will ship in two weeks. It is available in sixes XS - L and is priced at
I think this vest will look good with a snazzy, white button up, long-sleeved shirt or 3/4 length, leather gloves with lots of necklaces of all lengths.
If you would like something with similar style but cheaper. You can go with the options below:

Baby Phat Plaid Puffer Vest
Price - $139
Sizes Available: S - XL

Coogi Patent Leather Vest
Price - $75
Sizes Available: S - XL

NorthFace Furallure Vest
Price - $138.99
Sizes Available: XS - L
The three vests are available at
Baby Fat's vest is ugly, and no way it should be that price. That looks like something you can make in home ec. Now the Coogi I would rock!