BCBG MAX AZRIA Pre-Fall 2011!!

While scanning through BCBG's Pre-Fall Collection, 4 of the looks jumped out at me, as looks that I will definitely immulate once the end of the summer comes and fall approaches. Carefree, sophisticated, colorful, and downright beautiful apparel choices for Pre-Fall, all courtesy of BCBG!!
The third look on the 4 look layout image is my favorite. It features the Jet Set top in beige for $198. Artisan skirt, $198. And the Quincy shoe $395 - which is SOLD OUT!
What do you think of the Pre-Fall colors? I see some of the same colors from Spring 2011 trending in the Pre-Fall 2011 collections color palettes. That means shop this summer with that fact in mind. If you buy colors that translate into the next season, you will be able to get better use of your wardrobe.


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