Lloyd Boston's: The Style Checklist

Lloyd Boston's book shows a woman how to get dressed the right way, everyday and with what you already own. Sounds perfect, right? Yes it does.
The Style Checklist: The Ultimate Wardrobe Essentials For You is available via amazon.com for $15.63.
Amazon book description:
The good news is: the most stylish clothes you can have are probably already in your closet. But savvy women are on a perpetual quest to find the perfect addition to their wardrobe: the perfect bathing suit, a traffic-stopping pair of jeans, that classic little black dress. While the editorial pages of high fashion magazines can offer inspiration, they can't help you find what works for your looks and lifestyle. But Lloyd Boston's The Style Checklist offers basic guidance to help make your everyday commute your runway. With solutions to common fashion problems and a lot of how-to advice, this book simplifies and demystifies how to achieve style.
Read the book and come back to the blog to discuss it and join Notable Styles on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/notablestyles to talk about the book or anything else related to style there.


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