Da Brat Supports Saving Our Daughters!

Via Monica's facebook page, she thanked Da Brat for "Taking The Oath" and joining in as one of the supporters of Saving Our Daughters. This is what Monica said, "We like to welcome in our girl Da Brat to the Saving Our Daughters family for our Take The Oath against bullying and suicide. Remember young ladies-as one-we can all make a difference in our daughters lives. We still need your support!! www.facebook.com/savingourdaughters

Saving Our Daughters is a non-profit
that creates the tools to get teen girls discussing key issues and fired up to take the power away from esteem slayers like bullying, (cyber, gossip, face-to-face,…), date abuse, hate crimes, school violence, and violence against women. Find out more about this organization here www.SavingOurDaughters.org

This is a notable organization with a notable cause.


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